Directors Welcome

Welcome to Wolverhampton – we are so pleased you are considering joining us!

Our social workers tell us that social work in Wolverhampton is “supportive, restorative and innovative”, which we think sums us up really well!

We are so proud of all our social workers and the amazing work they do to support our children, families and adults with care and support needs. They are truly valued and supported across our whole organisation, including by our elected members, our Leader and our Chief Executive.

As the Directors for Adult Social Care and Director for Children’s Services, we are dedicated to creating a working environment which will enable you to be the social worker you want to be. We have a strong organisational wellbeing offer and we recognise the impact of vicarious and secondary trauma on frontline practitioners and those who support them. We have committed to becoming a trauma informed organisation and are taking actions to embed this, including our social work managers having access to trauma informed supervision training. Our incredible managers also work alongside our advanced practitioners to offer solution circles and reflective spaces where teams can come together, learn and collaborate or de-brief where needed.

We value and invest in our social workers, with a ‘grow our own’ culture and a training and development offer that supports contemporary practice. Whatever your interest or ambition we will support you with a progression pathway that is varied and recognises that not everyone wants to become a manager. Our strong training and development offer contributes to the positive learning culture that our social workers continually tell us about in our annual social work health check survey. We are also determined to tackle inequality, discrimination and racism and we are proud of our inclusive and diverse workforce who strongly reflect the diversity of our city.

We are committed to absolutely inspire, support and champion you so that you can be the social worker you want to be.

Join us!

Alison Hinds
Director of Children’s Services
Andrew Wolverson
Director of Adult Social Care

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Have any queries? contact us